Wounded Chindit

Wounded Chindit

Thursday, 21 August 2014


When I returned home from work yesterday there was a package waiting for me. My order from Amazon had arrived.

I've had a quick look at Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun and it's up to the quality expected. On The Sevens Seas - now that was a very pleasent surprise - lots of photo's of painted miniatures (all Northstar) and some great illustrations (from Osprey's).

I think there's an urge to paint more pirates rising !

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Foundry Pirates

After a weeks holiday in Devon I thought I'd be right back in to some painting but it was two further weeks before I could really get going. 

I've had the full collection of Foundry pirates for 15+ years (mostly unpainted) and with the imminent release of On the Seven Seas from Osprey along with IHMN what better time to get some Chinese pirates painted.

I've another group to paint up - not sure of the colours yet but possibly a less uniformed look.

Thanks for looking.