Wounded Chindit

Wounded Chindit

Monday, 2 September 2013

It made my afternoon.

There I was digging up some plants in the front garden yesterday when I heard what I thought was 3 aeroplane engines. We get a few flypasts of different aircraft here in Chinnor so I always look up to see what's on offer. Nothing in sight for 30 seconds or so and then the Lancaster came in to view, and it was only a few hundred feet up. What a fantastic view.
It's the second time I've seen it over the village, last time it was accompanied by the Spitfire and Hurricane of the BBMF.


  1. Too fast for photos I take it. :) Best, Dean

  2. There was that Dean but more the case of not wanting to miss one bit of it. Cheers, Dan

  3. Cool Blog mate, link added
